Thank you to all 2022 Climb Kili participants and supporters!
This event has concluded. We will gather together again for Climb Kili 2023...until then, here's details from our 2022 event.
Join us from anywhere in the world for a virtual climb of one of the greatest mountains in the world, Kilimanjaro! The 2022 event takes place during February. Your steps, registration fees and additional fundraising efforts help support people in Tanzania living in the shadow of Mt. Kilimanjaro through the nonprofit UboraTZ.
It’s up to you how you will make your virtual ascent up Kilimanjaro...by exploring local hiking trails, trail running with friends, walking in your neighborhood or even logging steps on a treadmill. Remember to log your miles on this website. A map will track your progress until you reach the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro. All climbers will receive a 2022 Climb Kili T-shirt!
Georgia Climbers, Let's Explore Together!